Google Search

  • What Google Knows About You

    In 2016, Princeton University conducted a large-scale study on online tracking, and concluded that at least 75% of all websites contain tracking code used by Google, mostly for the AdSense and Analytics services. That doesn’t include the various other similar trackers used by social media sites, marketing companies, and online merchants. Even if you don’t […]

  • Keyword Research for Local

    Are you looking to dominate the SEO landscape? You might want to rethink your strategy. Many small businesses get caught up in ranking for competitive keywords. There’s no denying the appeal of the rat race. But the odds of getting a top ranking for a popular national search are stacked against you. Local keyword research, […]

  • You Don’t Need Words for a Google Search

    As the saying goes, a picture is worth more than a thousand words. Google understand this, and has a pretty nifty feature that most people are unaware of – creating a search query through the use of a photo. Whether it’s an antique painting you want to know more history on, or the backdrop of […]

  • Boolean Tip

    Ever heard of the term Boolean? Contrary to what the word may seem, it’s not the latest slang on the street – it’s actually a term given to a very useful way of refining your Google search. By using Boolean tips, you can save a lot of time combing through a normal search query, by […]